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Animal Sweaters Pre-Sale: Part 1 Launches Today 9am!

5 New Animals to Love

Hello Animal Lovers, It's that magical time of year you've been waiting for, all new Animal Sweaters! Except this time the collection is so big, I'm splitting into two parts! We have 10 new Animal Sweaters to release into the wild. Part 1 of the Pre-Sale for the first 5 starts today: Echidna, Red Panda, Blue-Footed Booby, Giraffe and Snow Monkey! Thanks again for always choosing such fascinating animals and supporting this project. I really enjoyed designing this collection and I hope you love all the little details we tried to get into every sweater. It feels even better to support wildlife causes:

$20 from each Echidna sold in the Pre-Sale will go to Wires Wildlife Rescue. $10 From each Giraffe sold in the Pre-Sale will go to The Giraffe Conservation Foundation $10 from each Red Panda sold in the Pre-Sale will go to the Red Panda Network A very limited release will be available today, Thursday March 31st from 9am AEDT. Delivery will start from 2nd May from Melbourne! I hope you get the ones you want.

Everything is better in an Animal Sweater ❤️️️ Stay safe and sending you huge love x Lenko

New Animal Sweaters

100% Made in Australia with love

Shipping this 2nd May from Melbourne

Very limited edition

Colour options available in each design

Watch your sweaters getting made and all the behind the scenes activity on our Instagram @lenkomelb


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